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Open Questions and Next Steps

Over the next two weeks, we hope to refine the product from multiple angles. Since all the components work, we want to iterate on them further for a final polished product. We will be rebuilding the physical frame to be smoother and more like a real mirror, and we will try to hide/disguise the camera. In addition, we will be changing the experience by adding a proximity sensor so that the distorted image appears when someone walks up to the mirror.

During the critique, we received a lot of great feedback about the product. One of the notes that stood out to us was an idea for the different filters we could do. We initially wanted to move towards style transferring, where we could apply styles from different “spooky” paintings to the live image, but we heard that someone would find it really interesting to see themselves in different eras/time periods. We’re interested in seeing if this is possible given the performance bounds of the hardware, but if it is, we’d like to try creating something that shows people “going back in time.”

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