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For this exploration, I was curious as to how I might blend an object-oriented design approach while pulling from cultural mythologies and otherworldly references, designing an artifact that taps into a common form and interaction modality while serving a different function and operating under a series of unfamiliar operations. This was originally inspired by my personal fondness for voicemail and perceived lack of remote and ambient presence to mediate communication. Voicemail is “obsolete”, yes. But during a current analog revival and revolt against hyperreality and instant gratification, could it make a comeback? If our relationships and expectations of this mode of communication have changed, what could they be instead and what would that afford? I’m inspired by my personal interest and experiences with the voice memo/answering machine message, but this is augmented by others’ experiences as well- there are countless examples of people saving voice messages from loved ones when apart, or of those who have passed away. Often memories of voice are the first thing to go, the first thing people miss and wish they had access to. These observations all inspire this concept.

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