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Open Questions and Next Steps

We were trying to build a rich world to investigate the human and smart home device relationship. But summarizing all the issues we found in the desk crit, we failed to convey it to our guests. Therefore, we must improve our narrative by letting the artifacts tell the story. We decided to enhance our project from the following perspective:

  • Make a user manual for storytelling - situate people in the context and function as an instruction about interacting with the artifacts.
  • Improve the control effect - use sound/haptic etc., to make the effect more intuitive and perceptive to users.
  • Hack the device to make it more realistic and immerse users into our context and staging setting in the final exhibition.
  • Do we need a socket? Bluetooth technology creates a more spook control method than explicit connection. What's the reasonable product to integrate invisible control and technology? We need a substitute.

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