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Assembly of the device is primarily composed of two parts: (1) the Primary housing of the lamp was constructed using laser-cut panels of plexiglass, while (2) the user interface is built with plywood panels to maintain the overall generic appearance and form. 

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Laser cutting serves as the primary method of fabrication for custom shapes and joinery of plexi glass panels, allowing rapid prototyping combined with a preliminary polished appearance of the project.

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Technical Resources:

- Adafruit Arduino Code Library: Adafruit Industries · GitHub

- CMU IDEATE 3D Printing - SkyLab :  3D Printers – IDeATe Resources (

- Non-Delay Coding Tutorial: Simple Delays, non Blocking & timer free

Bill of Materials:

- Micro Controller (Arduino Uno R3) (1ct)

- 16Bulbs LED light ring (1ct)

- LED light strip (1ft)

- Servo Motor (Amazon brand) (1ct)

- Proximity Sensor (Adafruit ANCL4730) (1ct)

- LCD Screen (Adafruit ST7789) (1ct)

- High-power LED light with heatsink (1ct)

- 3mmPlexiglass panel (1 sheet)

- 6mm Plywood panel (1 sheet)

Annotated Final Product:


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