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To identify the presence of people in the space, we conducted tests with UWB sensors. With Zhenfang's assistance, Chang set up the sensors to detect motion inside the room. One of us carried the sensor and moved throughout the space while another monitored the xyz parameters with an Arduino. We experimented with various thresholds of xy parameters to detect people's presence and identified the optimal xy parameters for the project.

The flashing patterns of the lights were crucial to the project's success. Initially, we attempted various flashing patterns, but none conveyed a sense of dialogue. Clover suggested using Morse code, which turned out to be an excellent idea. By translating the rhythm of Morse code into the lighting patterns and introducing a specific delay between each light, we achieved a sequential pattern of lights shining one after the other, simulating whispering. Each light required a distinct control mechanism, such as a relay for the IKEA desk lamp and mushroom fairy lights, and coding for the LED strip.

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