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The project aims to explore the relationship between objects and space by creating an interactive lighting installation that responds to people's movement. The initial version of the project focused on detecting people's presence using UWB sensors, but the second version prompted the team to think more about the project's potential and scalability.

If given more time, we would like to:

Expand the project to a larger space where the lights can be placed in different corners of the room to create more movement and catch people's attention.

Incorporate everyday lamps as a part of the interactive lighting installation to better convey the project's intention of reminding people of the liveliness of furniture in their daily lives.

Develop a more accurate detection system using UWB sensors to track people's movement rather than just their presence.

Code a clear pattern of interaction among the lights to create a coherent and engaging lighting display.

The proposed implementation plan is as follows:

Week 1: Refine the project scope and establish a roadmap for the next 12 weeks.

Week 2-3: Conduct research on different lamps.

Week 4-5: Begin coding the lamps and explore different light patterns and interactions.

Week 6: Conduct user testing to gather feedback.

Week 7-8: Focus on developing a more accurate detection system using UWB sensors.

Week 9: Test and refine the accuracy of the UWB sensors' detection system.

Week 10: Focus on coding a clear and engaging pattern of interaction among the lamps

Week 11: Conduct final user testing and gather feedback to make any necessary adjustments.

Week 12: Finalize the project and present it to stakeholders for review and feedback.

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