int servoPin = A2;
int servoPosition = 0;
Servo servo;
void setup()
Serial.begin( 9600 );
Particle.function( "pos", setPosition );
servo.attach( servoPin );
void loop()
int setPosition( String timeBeforeArrivalStr ){
int timeBeforeArrival = timeBeforeArrivalStr.toInt();
// servo.write( timeBeforeArrival );
// return timeBeforeArrival;
if (timeBeforeArrival >= 10) {
servo.write( 175 );
if (timeBeforeArrival < 10 && timeBeforeArrival > 5) {
servoPosition = map(timeBeforeArrival, 10, 5, 30, 80);
servo.write( servoPosition );
if (timeBeforeArrival <= 5 && timeBeforeArrival >= 3) {
servo.write( 80 );
if (timeBeforeArrival < 3) {
servo.write( 90 );
return 1;
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