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Outcome + Reflection

Below are some videos on how the curtain moves and how the motor is set up to create this movement. I'm ultimately happy with this as a proof of concept but there are some things that could be improved. First off is the amount of torque the motor has beacuse with testing I realized the motor wasn't strong enough to actually slide the curtain along the curtain rod. This could be improved with just a bigger motor or using a more intricate set of gears to get more leverage and be able to pull with more strength. Another improvement would be to make it more of a compacted, unified product that could actually house the motor as well as the wiring for it. This way I wouldn't have to use tape to hold the motor in place and it could be more of a hidden product that works seamlessly with my google calendar sleep schedule. A second motor could also be added to the other side to pull the curtain back closed when I want that privacy again.

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