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//writing the code to have button input and flex sensor input

// name and assign the pin

int led = D2;
int led2= D5;
int buttonPin = D3; 
int buttonState; //Store the reading from Button
int flexPin = A2; //store data from Flex sensor

void setup() {
    pinMode (led, OUTPUT);
    pinMode (led2,OUTPUT);
    pinMode (buttonPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
    pinMode (flexPin, INPUT);


void loop() {
 int flexValue = analogRead(flexPin);
   buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin);

   if (buttonState == LOW) {
       if (flexValue >=150){
       digitalWrite (led,HIGH);
       else {
           digitalWrite (led,LOW);
           digitalWrite (led2,HIGH);
       digitalWrite (led,LOW);
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