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Describe the process you underwent to reach the outcome (problems encountered, how you resolved them, as well as, experiments, hacks, tests, refinments, iterations, failures)

I started out trying to do this with a flex sensor. I had used the flex sensor before and initially thought it would make more sense. Getting the servo to run wasn't an issue at any point, but when running it with the flex sensor things just never worked perfectly and I was continuously stumped as to why. I think either I don't fully understand how to use a flex sensor or mine is possibly damaged. Either the servo wouldn't stop running - indicating there was always a flex above the threshold - or it would never run - indicating the flex was below the threshold. However, often I wouldn't change the threshold from flash to flash but I would get different outcomes. I moved to a fsr sensor because it seemed very similar to set up and it worked out great. The code was very similar and so was the particle function set up - as it was just based around adjusting the threshold to something new.

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