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The approach involved studying the Lovebox's design, functionality, and user experience. We aimed to replicate its core features while incorporating our own twist. We didn’t divert too much from the original design of the box. Only making alterations that would get us to a proof of concept sooner. We removed the lid and added a button, as we thought this would make the development of the box much simpler. We’d seen buttons on other similar devices that we’d researched, and they seemed to be a positive addition to the overall concept that created a simple but meaningful way for users to engage with the device and notify the sender they’d received the message.

We tried to revive the device's essential features. We mainly focused on the integration of the LCD screen as well as the unique feature of the spinning heart, which acts as the notification signal that a message has been received. We thought it created a delightful and engaging experience for the user and was one of the most important aspects of the device. 

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