// Include Particle Device OS APIs
#include "Particle.h"
int solPin = D2;
bool startt = false;
int motortimes = 5;
int delay1 = 500;
int delay2 = 300;
int delay3 = 100;
int timelef = 5; //5,3,1 import when only have 5 minites 50%-20%-10%
int phase1 = 0.5;
int phase2 = 0.3;
int phase3 = 0.1;
int minite = 60000;
//you can set the time reminder how many minites left you want to be reminded
//according to the percentage to change the frequency
void setup(){
pinMode( solPin, OUTPUT);
Particle.function("Start to Count", start);
Particle.function("SetDelay1", delay11);
Particle.function("SetDelay2", delay22);
Particle.function("SetDelay3", delay33);
void loop(){
if (startt){
for(int i = 0; i < motortimes; i++){
digitalWrite(solPin, HIGH);
delay(delay1); //focus on delay
digitalWrite(solPin, LOW);
// in 1-0.5
delay(minite*timelef*phase1 - motortimes*delay1*2);
for(int j = 0; j < motortimes; j++){
digitalWrite(solPin, HIGH);
delay(delay2); //focus on delay
digitalWrite(solPin, LOW);
} // in 0.5-0.3
delay(minite*timelef*phase2 - motortimes*delay2*2);
for(int l = 0; l < motortimes; l++){
digitalWrite(solPin, HIGH);
delay(delay3); //focus on delay
digitalWrite(solPin, LOW);
} // in 0.3-0.1
delay(minite*timelef*phase3 - motortimes*delay3*2);
startt = false;
int start(String cmd){
startt = true;
return 1;
int delay11(String cmd){
Serial.println("SetDelay1"+ cmd);
int value = cmd.toInt();
if(value<0)return -1;
if(value>1000)return -1;
delay1 = constrain(value, 0, 1000);
return 1;
int delay22(String cmd){
Serial.println("SetDelay2"+ cmd);
int value = cmd.toInt();
if(value<0)return -1;
if(value>1000)return -1;
if(value>delay1)return -1;
delay2 = constrain(value, 0, 1000);
return 1;
int delay33(String cmd){
Serial.println("SetDelay3"+ cmd);
int value = cmd.toInt();
if(value<0)return -1;
if(value>1000)return -1;
if(value>delay2)return -1;
delay3 = constrain(value, 0, 1000);
return 1;
int motortime(String cmd){
Serial.println("motortimes"+ cmd);
int value = cmd.toInt();
if(value<0)return -1;
if(value>5)return -1;
motortimes = constrain(value, 0, 5);
return 1;
int lefttime(String cmd){
Serial.println("bustimeleftset"+ cmd);
int value = cmd.toInt();
if(value<3)return -1;
if(value>20)return -1;
timelef = constrain(value, 3, 20);
return 1;
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