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Initially starting with the photon board. I began with a simple setup, using the servo only connected to the board. However, when I wrote a piece of code to test the movement of the servo, I kept running into an error about my library not being included, even though I added the Tinker-Servo library, it was still not being registered in my code. 

However, despite this, I was also working on another project, using an arduino, and here I applied the same logic to the code and the circuit as I would with the photon, and was able to successfully get the servo working. Using the arduino, I began with a simply servo board circuit, and tested this first, to see if it would run. From here I added a distance module, and adjusted it so that when something was 10 cm away, the servo would rotate 90 degrees, stay here for 3 seconds and return. However, I found this difficult, as when setting the servo in my prototype, the origin point needed to be in a different position. So I then revisited the code, and set a new origin point of rotation. Finally, I added a strip of fairy lights, and connected these to be in response to the distance module, so the lights would slowly turn on, and turn off when the servo returned to its origin position. 

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