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Conceptual Designs

During our study of precedents, we learned a lot, but we remained puzzled by the obscure encoding and decoding processes: what happens to the receiver when the shaker shakes, and what is the intent? We found that after playing with our remake prototype, such ambiguous signals reduced the enjoyment of the product and introduced unnecessary guesswork.

Therefore, we plan to try a new framework for our paired device, mimicking the motion of two objects under physical laws to make the events on the other end more evident. Everyone has an intuitive understanding of gravity: for example, when using a scale, we can easily understand why one side sinks and the other rises; or when pulling a blinds cord, the cord descends while the blinds rise. These movements indicate that a force is at work within the physical mechanical system, which we can use to reflect the presence of the other device in our paired device system.

The concept of "remote carrot" is based on a legend that all the carrot roots on Earth are connected, so pulling one carrot causes another to sink slightly.

The "remote see-saw" concept may evoke memories of your childhood, playing on the seesaws with friends at the playground. This up-and-down interaction is quite fun.

In the end, we plan to use the see-saw concept, assessing its feasibility, fun, and intuitiveness.

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