You are a DIYer remaking the Shaker devices as conceptualized
in Rob Strong and William Gaver's 1996 paper "Feather, Scent,
and Shaker." Give examples of common gestures that involve
shaking, as well as interaction metaphors to consider.
--> we used this prompt during ideation phases as we were
considering different scenarios in which shaking is socially
acceptable / common / expected.
you are moving your tilt switch demo of Shaker from a breadboard
to a more permanent, soldered protoboard. does the protoboard
require power rails? list pros and cons within 150 words.
--> in the absence of instructors, we consulted an LLM about the
feasibility of moving our hardware from a breadboard to a
protoboard, understanding that these models largely reflect a
statistical average, to get a gist of how one might approach
building this remake.
integrate the 2 code boxes,do not change the features, syntax,
parameters,just merge them.
--> We need this prompt because we tested 2 piece of code with 2
components first to ensure they can work separately.
--> After we were aware of they can work separately, we asked the
LLM to merge the code and tested if they can work together.
--> This helped us move forward step by step, making it easier
to debug (in software and hardware)
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