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As we worked, I made sure to separate each of the pattern for light settings representing weather, into separate events, in this way we could publish each event. However, when I created a webhook, and copied this code to the second device, we found that they still would not respond to each other, and thought it could be an issue with the way in which the events where titled. So, changing the titles to numbers, we could try to identify where to source of the issue was coming from. Asking for help from our TA, we eventually were able to get the devices networked. However, the first setting for sunny, and the second for cloudy would only flash for a second at the start for each time the event was called, instead of carrying out the pattern for longer within each setting. Since the rain and the thunder effects were already similiar in this way, we did not need to change this. But for the first two, we used milis and a delay after each was called, in order to try and imitate the outcome we were looking for.

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