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For the last 2000 years or so, libraries have served the same purpose of storing and lending books and offering a public study space. Procedures have been tweaked and improved but the underlying system has fundamentally stayed the same.

Libraries are an exciting case for a vision project as they stand on the verge of significant change. With the importance of physical books declining rapidly, the role of libraries is bound to evolve.

When we envisioned the library of the future, we did so with studying as its main purpose. We firmly believe that libraries will strengthen their position as public study places by offering more space, more tools and more media, all while physical books will slowly disappear.

With this in mind, we conceived a system that is set to increase the efficiency of visitor management while also establishing low noise levels. The Silencio consist of connected noise level indication along with seating information.

The prototype picks up noise over two microphones of which one is used to cancel out ambient noise. A total of 4 LED rings then displays noise levels, thus subtly reminding visitors to be mindful of their volume.

The seating indication has not made it into the prototype but it would have indicated free seats in walled clusters to visitors with the help of pressure and proximity sensors. The sensors would be connected to a seating chart, saving visitors time to search multiple floors for free seats.

To build the prototype, we used acrylic plates that we cut with the help of a laser cutter and then glued together. The LED strips are also glued to the acrylic discs. One microphone at the bottom of the device, pointing towards the cluster is responsible for the noise levels while a second, top-mounted microphone helps canceling out ambient noise. The spark processor then translates the noise into a numeric value that triggers up to 4 LED rings as each level's threshold is reached.

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