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Yep, that one's from Clickhole. 

Did you get them all? There's no fooling you! Your trained eye definitely knows its absurdist parody humor from its weird clickbait. 

Did you only get some of them? Looks like you haven't quite gotten it down! It's okay, sometimes Clickhole articles seem pretty innocuous, and sometimes Buzzfeed articles can be really strange. 

Did you miss most or all of them? Wow, do you even go on the internet? This may come as a surprise to you, but not all content you read online is true. You might want to spend some time practicing so you don't get caught mistaking an Onion article as real news. 


I couldn't help but throw out a quick mimicry of the kind of content I always find myself consuming - quizzes, in the loosest sense of the word. Whether it's the participatory action of taking a quiz, the false promise of learning some new tidbit of information about myself, or just a stubborn curiosity to prove that I'm good at identifying lyrics of a popular 90s song, I always find internet quizzes to be a particularly effective attention suck for myself.

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