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Songs Used:
Sam Smith - Latch (Acoustic)
Zion T. - Two Melodies (Instrumental)
This Will Destroy You - Quiet (Instrumental & Percussion)

 Lower than the first composition because the instructions limits the types of songs we would most likely choose from.

Lower for the audience because there is a lesser element of chance in what songs are selected with the instructions.

Entropy is still high because the way that the selections are being played are completely random. However, it is slightly less than the first two compositions because the music was chosen in a more intentional way.

With this method, the songs were chosen based on the types of sounds in each song. Two Melodies was chosen for its low sustained sounds, overall low volume, and percussion elements. Latch was chosen for its vocal line which is emphasized by the subtleness of the instrumental. 

If the first actions were to be repeated, the compositions would be completely different, but the chance, indeterminacy, and entropy would generally be the same because the approach to selecting the material would be the same.

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