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Media is defined as "the means of communication...that reach or influence people widely" by
We have been surrounded by media our entire lives--so much that we might take them for granted or not even notice them anymore. For example, media can range from advertisements and commercials on television to graffiti drawn on the street.

Social media is widely used by people everywhere. I periodically check Facebook and my email throughout the day to keep in touch with what's happening. It's one of the first things I do in the morning to see what's going on during the day and what I missed at night. 
Recently I've been kind of obsessed with an app called 1010!. My friend introduced it to me a while ago and I've been a bit addicted to it. 

There are advertisements at the top and at the end of every game. I barely noticed the small one above the game because I'm focused on the game, but the end advertisement gets a little annoying if I can't exit out of it quickly. Sometimes it's a short video and it takes around 3 seconds before I can get rid of it and start a new game. These advertisements just seem natural to me now, but if there were no ads it would be even better. Honestly I barely glance at the content of them, I just look for the X button.

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