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This particular piece of media was taken on Saturday, at 12.  With Adblock on, I did not view the ad, which is interesting, because ads are really everywhere.  Even with Adblock on, the fact that they once were there and that one might have had to view it is interesting.  What I was doing at the time was watching Detective Conan, an anime (animated cartoon) while playing Brave Frontier.  What interests me is that while watching and playing, I noticed that there is a bar to the side of he video player displaying new episodes of various cartoons.  Usually I ignore them, but I find that they are probably a way to generate interest in new anime shows. Sometimes I even find myself browsing shows that look interesting in the sidebar.  Another things that shows up daily which I usually ignore is a bar at the top which allows for the sharing of videos to google plus, twitter, and Facebook.  Since I don't use google+ or twitter, nor post anything on Facebook often, I usually ignore the bar.  However, I can see how enthusiasts might share their favorite shows and episodes or favorite moments via twitter, google+, and Facebook by using this option.  

Of course, on webpages such as Facebook, we get bombarded with messages.  Who did what?  Event notices, friend requests, what new thing happened today that a friend or organization did, messages sent.  It seems like pretty obvious media, including the advertisements that pop up everywhere.  But do we pay attention to them of subconsciously notice them?  Do advertisers even design the ads with the idea in mind that most people will probably overlook them?  Some are flashy to catch attention, but most are skipped over for the sake of other media.  

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