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This is a shelf in my house filled with the glass items that one of my housemate and I have made.  I don't really pay much attention to them -we made them at a glass-blowing class, and most of them are hers.  However, they are quite pretty on display, and some are functional cups and bowls that we use.  I don't really think much about the glassware and pottery we use often as bowls and cups, but they too are works of art.  Someone spent the time and effort to shape these pieces and design them, filling them with color or not.  Do they necessarily give a message, no, but sometimes art is made for the sake of beauty and/or functionality. I took this picture Sunday morning, at 11 a.m.  One thing I hadn't noticed until my roommate told me was that most of the glassware on the top shelf was cracked, but they were all training pieces so that she could refine her glassblowing technique, trying to get the right thickness in the glass.  Sometimes, media is a means of refining skill to create more media.  

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