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  There is a lot of media around today that we don’t think about. We don’t really think about what we see everyday, the various pictures, text, and physical media we see everyday. Often most of this media goes ignored, many advertisements skipped, messages lost because we don’t pay attention to them. There are pictures and other media which subconsciously attempt to convince us to buy things, like the pictures on the cereal we eat each morning, or the billboards we pass by in cars. Sometimes there isn’t always a message to be heard though. Sometimes a piece is just practice by the maker for something better or more refined. But oftentimes there is a reason for the creation of media, whether we see it or not. Whether we analyse a story, a news report, a song we listen to, a painting, or the signs we see on the street. There is usually a reason for them if not a message. Though we sometimes ignore them, media which we actively interact with tend to have a lasting impression on us. We receive the message communicated to us through the medium, and in this age, we can share the message with others through social media.    

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