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Having been cheered up by the lighthearted and humorous animation, I am finally in the mood to begin working. Actually, let me check Reddit one more time…



Through monitoring my media consumption during this fairly typical day, I gained insight on not only media itself, but also how I used it. With so many songs, podcasts, videos, images, and games out on the Internet, it is literally impossible to even sample every bit of content available to us, let alone experience them in full.

Thus, for those who want to consume as much media as possible, the only reasonable solution is to multitask with as many different forms of it as possible, whether that means redditing on the toilet or listening to music while gaming. This is only encouraged by the accessibility of media provided by the Internet, so mind-numbingly simple that I sometimes end up on a different website before I even consciously know why I’m there. We are therefore also encouraged to jump as rapidly between sources as possible, minimizing our time spent bored at one place.

Of course, this manner of media consumption is not without its faults. It is exhausting to pay attention to so many voices and images at once, and I often find myself rewinding a podcast or video for something I missed the first time around. Sometimes, I take a few minutes to fully invest myself in some music or a video, but this only means I will have more to catch up on later.

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