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deviantArt is the social media platform for artists of all creative backgrounds, ranging from painting to video to plastic arts to costume design to literature to web design to anything else you can think of (except music, pity--SoundCloud beat deviantArt to that). As a community of artists, I would expect to see much more diversity in profile pictures than a more generalized community. Personal images are kept to a minimum on deviantArt, and for good reason. As the website is an art community, avatars are a 50x50 area to present what you do or what you like. A snapshot of the person tells us little about what he or she can create--unless, of course, it's a stunningly composed photographic piece.

But of course, what is the website known for? It was Tumblr before Tumblr rose to notoriety, with wildly raging fandoms, quirky subcultures, and, of course, a reputation as a site where you can find any artwork possible--good, bad, or ugly. A random user's avatar is more likely to be copy-pasted character art from some franchise rather than a laconic representation of the person's talents. Sturgeon's Law is much more prominently recognized on an art website.

Well, those are some assumptions I'm making. I'm sure that my watchers do not provide a neutral subset of deviantArt's demographic, for the above reasons and the following reasons:

• I am known mostly for pixel icons and Pokémon fan art, so I would assume my watchers are also fans of pixel art and Pokémon.

• As a middling producer, I don't expect that I would attract the peak crop of artists as watchers. The majority of my watchers' art would likely be of, uh, lesser talent.

• Pixel artists tend to trend less just because of the accessibility of the art. It would be like being able to see the entirety of a video just from the thumbnail. If you can get all of the information right there, why click and add to a video's viewcount? With that in mind, I would expect my audience to be composed of more active watchers, skewing the demographic toward pixel art and Pokémon fans more.

Let's see, shall we?

For reference, here is my avatar, a pixel representation of my online character.

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