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In a World of Me Me Me

Although I did encounter friends that used their profile picture selfies to express their political opinions (especially in the wake of the rainbow colored pro-gay marriage digital storm), hobbies (or is it just a case of the I'm-having-more-fun-than-you?), and beliefs, most of the pictures were just zoomed in head shots. I did not find a profile picture with more than three people in it. So for whom are all these selfies? Is it a personal statement or a show for an audience? 

I chose to examine the relationship between the Facebook profile pictures that people choose for themselves and their number of friends. I looked at the pictures of 50 of my friends - chosen randomly based on the Newsfeed or Messenger availability - of which 22 are male and 28 are female. The two main aspects I examined are: the correlation of the number of friends and the number of likes on the person's current profile picture, and the number of friends and the number of times the profile picture has been updated or modified in 2015 so far. Note: I realize that one of the flaws in my experiment is that the timeline of likes/picture changes does not match that of Facebook friends; in other words, a person could have potentially scored lower on the friends category due to the recent creation of the account. These results should also not be used to extrapolate due to the small sample size.

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