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In conclution, the age and gender do actually influence people’s choice of selecting profie pictures.However, I don't think gender, redardless of the effect of age, affect people to choose profie pictures that much since people seem to have same behavoirs. For example, male and female in the same age group have a lot similar behavoirs. However, they differ in the choice of selecting different kinds of selfies. Female tend to choice more aesthetic pictures but male tend to use simple or random selfis.

In addition, I find out that age is the main facotr after I anaylzed the difference of behevoir in ages. I think age cause big difference because people’s personnelity and social status varies after they get more matured. For example, male tends to use seflie as their profie picture as they get older because of their succcess. And, they would pay more attention of the beauty of the selfies since most of them are wearing suits in the pictures.

The behavior of choosing profile pictures mainly is affected by age, which also includes the change in personlity, social status and so on. 

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