Overall, the picture got 18 likes. Of these likes, 2 of them were people from high school who I did not know well (they did know the guy), 3 were friends from high school, 9 were friends I met during college, and 4 were people from the class. The guy who owned the original photo did not show any reaction to his photo. The original picture had 9 likes. None of the people who liked the original picture liked mine. Comment-wise, I received 7 comments that were a mixture of "O_o you look different," "Wow rachel so handsome <3 <3," "been working out I see," and "Whut." No one I didn't know very well during high school commented. This is pretty much what I expected. I received one message saying I was trolling around with that picture and another asking "wtf wut classes are you even taking >>?" All of my closest friends during high school reacted (not necessarily liked the picture), while a few people I met during college reacted.
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