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Of the 9 people who liked the profile picture, I would say that 6 are good friends I talk to on a regular basis, and 3 were in my target demographic. All of the people who liked the picture and weren't close friends with me were female. 

Some of my close friends that usually like my profile picture didn't, but that may be explained by the fact that they don't go on social media that often or had a busy weekend. However, I still expected more people to like my picture. 


I was surprised at how few people liked my profile picture, as I thought something this out of the box would get more attention. On the other hand, some of my friends asked me why I changed my profile picture or if it was for Ideate, compared to noone usually talking to me about my profile picture changing. 

Most memorably I had an in-depth discussion (argument) with one of my close friends, who didn't react to it on Facebook, but wanted to convey his belief that some anime girls are in fact cuter than real life girls. After this, I realized that even if people don't indicate that they saw something on social media on the platform, it doesn't mean that they aren't thinking about it. 

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