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Here is my original profile picture, before I changed it for this project. As you might infer, my profile pictures tend to have some questionable content in it, which explains the relatively muted response I received in my first profile picture change.

While originally Sarah and I planned to swap clothing and accessories, taking photos of ourselves, and then using those for the project, that idea didn't end up working out. First of all, we were using the cameras from the friday class, and being not-so-good with them, we ended up taking some rather blurry shots. We did get some videos to use, though, which I'll talk a bit about later - but for our first profile picture change, we just swapped each other's current profile pictures. The other reason is that although we spent a good part of the day going about in each other's clothes and shoes and things, we didn't really get a lot of reaction. A few questions from close friends as to why we'd swapped clothes, but that was about it. This might be partly because I'm known to randomly cross-dress every now and then (actually, I usually go around wearing unisex/clothing for men so ... just "dress"?) so me suddenly wearing a dress wasn't as comment-inducing as it was the first time.

Anyway, here's the results from the first profile picture change:

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