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I made the third and last profile picture change without really expecting much, and indeed all I got for this change was a few "likes". 

Something I was surprised about was that my brother hadn't made any comments about any of the profile picture changes - perhaps he doesn't see them, or he's too busy to say anything about it, or he just chuckles and scrolls on. Perhaps I should ask him about it. He's the only family member I have friended on Facebook and who regularly uses the social media site, so it might have been more interesting to see his response.

If I had more time and resources for the project I might've been able to make more drastic changes to emulate Sarah's look, like actually coloring my hair, among other things. I wasn't able to actually steal her identity for any significant amount of time either, since the time for the project was rather short. I think there definitely would have been more interesting effects of using each other's photos for the project for an extended period of time, and purposefully misleading others as to our identity, but it seems that won't be for this time.

There /was/ one unexpected part of the project in which I "fooled" someone into my identity, though. I was recently assigned a "little" in the W@SCS organization, so I had "friended" them during the project. It was during the second profile picture's change, no less, which definitely made for a very wrong and inaccurate first impression of my personality (Sarah and I have very distinct personalities at the superficial level). I don't know if this is a side-effect of that, but my little and I have warmed up to each other relatively quickly considering we've never met and know almost nothing about each other. It could just be a coincidence that we're both very chill about the same things and the way we express ourselves, but I think the silly profile picture helped.

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