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I hoped for a few comments, mostly surprise and probably a lot of people asking me what I was actually doing on Facebook.  I got what I expected sans comments.  Interestingly, the responses were mostly limited to a few likes per post, maybe a single comment.  I found that coworkers and friends I actively talk to were more likely to respond, and I got a few surprising likes from people I haven't talked to in years.  The only comments I got were usually messages asking why I was changing my profile picture every 20 minutes, or asking why I was so active on Facebook. Comments about the pictures were limited to compliments.  I was more likely to garner a reaction from people who recommended pictures than from those who didn't know about the project or did not help in choosing a picture.  Oddly enough I was also more likely to garner a reaction from cute things and references than I did from actual photos of myself, despite the fact that I never post photos of myself. I would have expected more of a reaction from pictures of myself than pictures of fruit.  Still, I did get a lot of surprised reactions, which was what I was aiming for, even if the photos themselves didn't get much reaction beyond a few likes. 

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