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Pac-Man.pos, target_pos, clyde_target = random_tiles
while game == in_play:
    case player of:
      Pac-Man: if ghost.distance <= 5:
                   move 1 tile away from ghost
                   move 1 tile toward target_pos
      Blinky:  move 1 tile toward Pac-Man.pos
      Inky:    move 1 tile toward (Pac-Man.pos + 4) // 4 tiles in front of Pac-Man
      Clyde:   if Clyde.pos == clyde_target:
                   clyde_target = (clyde_target + 1) % 10
                   move 1 tile toward clyde_target

    if Pac-Man.pos == ghost.pos:
        game = over // Pac-Man loses
    else if Pac-Man.pos == target_pos:
        game = over // Pac-Man wins
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