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After posting the above profile picture, I received very few likes for the photo. When I spoke to some of my friends in real life, after randomly mentioning optical illusions, they either responded positively, finding the optical illusion cool, or they thought it was strange that I would change my picture from a generic selfie to a strange picture. Some even thought my account was hacked and immediately left my page. It took quite a while to recieve feedback for the image. It is possible that as my photo appeared on my friends' feed, they enjoyed it and moved on because of the multitude of articles, videos, and statuses awaiting them as they scrolled downwards. 


I learned that a profile image can invoke a wide array of responses, from concern to enjoyment. It also interested me that despite the loop hole of simply moving the image itself instead of moving oneself, people got themselves involved in the interactivity of the image. It wasn't simply a picture, but something fun for people to do and enjoy together. They didn't know why I put this picture up or my motives behind it, but they received a completely different message than the one I intended to send. It was a very interesting process.

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