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I chose to use audio to recreate the "Torch". According to the background, this painting represents the scene back to the Harlem Renaissance where people gather around a bunch a burning woods, while someone set up a few musical instruments and probably speakers and make music. I then searched on Youtube and found the "Harlem Renaissance Musics". From 11 songs, I chose 3 of them, cut them into pieces and mixed them together. There are three parts: the base part, which represent the black color in the painting; the flute part, which represent the light color flame on the upper right corner and dancing in the air; the singing part, which represent the happy people gathered around the fire and was having a great time. The music start with simple base pizzcato to give out the sense of cold weather and dark environment. Then the trumpet comes in, showing that people are gathering and the party is about to begin. Then the flute comes in, indicating the fire has been lighted up and people started to dance. Finally people started singing and continued their movements in the cold wind and none of them is bothered by the dark nor the weather. After a while, people ended singing and dancing and put out the fire and went home while the wind remains.

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