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Beyond my somewhat accurate color choices and general patterns, there is little resemblance between my work and Pollock's. His has a better balance between each of the colors, with none as overbearing as my web of black paint. Mine also lacks the splatters, streaks, and drips of the original, since the application I used could only simulate conventional brush usage. 

I conclude that the only way to accurately produce a painting in Pollock's style is to use the same physical methods as the artist himself, using real paint and tools. There are far too many elements that affect the ways the paint splatters and the patterns turn out, ranging from the paint's viscosity to each unique brush movement, all of which are impossible to recreate in an electronic environment with a mouse or touchscreen. Until we can efficiently simulate the real world with physics calculations and motion capture, these abstract art forms will resist the advances of electronic media. And even then, it might still be easier (and more fun) to actually paint in Pollock's style.

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