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Ad Reinhardt is a prominent American artist (1913-67) known for his work with geometric forms within the abstract expressionism movement. His early work reflects his desire to limit the influence of the external world, and is characterized by the use of bold, abstract shapes, rectangular figures, and the contrast of hard edges and smooth curves. Throughout his work life, Reinhardt proved his versatility as an artist through his exploration of various styles of modern art. Early paintings showcase the neutral colors of a Cubist influence and the vivid pigments, reminiscent of Stuart Davis’ work, alike. His later 'Black Paintings' (1954-67) works garnered more fame for their complete lack of extraneous references and return to absolute purity in the form of the color black: “As an artist I would like to eliminate the symbolic pretty much, for black is interesting not as a color but as a non-color and as the absence of color” (Reinhardt). These paintings use black and grey hues to often delineate a barley distinguishable grid or cross. (The cover image of this project is one such Black Painting - did you notice?)

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