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Yay! Final product is above.


I learned that it’s really hard to reproduce a piece of art completely. Klee’s technical level is obviously high, but aside from that using a different medium and working under a time constraint made it difficult. If I could do it over, I would figure out how to use the digital tools I used better. For example, I would figure out how to change the opacity, and how to make the brushes look grainier. Having better control of how the cursor moved when using the tablet would have made it easier to use the stylus. Making a draft of what I was drawing with some light lines first might have been a good idea as well.

I think I captured the general feel and colors of the painting, but my rendition doesn’t have the same character and expression as the original Senecio. It also lacks depth in terms of the colors I used, and isn’t as well balanced. It doesn't have the same type of speckled texture in some parts, and lacks brushstrokes to the extent of the original. It has kept the style of looking like a child made it though.

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