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Evidently, my replication of Kandinsky's work was nowhere as intricate nor dramatic and emotion-inducing as the original. Although this is partially due to my lack of artistic expertise and resources, another significant factor was the major disconnect between art on canvas and art through a technological medium. I found that while I was working on my tablet, it was far easier to erase rather than create, a characteristic most likely unique to digital art, as often art on canvas is difficult, if not impossible to completely undo. As a result, I found myself getting caught up in the details, trying to "perfect" a stroke rather than taking it in stride. Consequently, the thought of conveying my emotions through my artwork became a secondary focus. I also felt that my color choices were not characteristic of Kandinsky's work, as I gravitated toward hues that were much brighter than Kandinsky's usual muted color palette. However, I do feel like I captured at least partially the concept of the spontaneity of life and the progression of culture. If I were to repeat this exercise, I would choose colors that are closer in shade to Kandinsky's original work and also add several depths of color as opposed to using a flat plane of color. 

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