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I chose to construct several mini-collages of photos I took while living in Brooklyn. These images were taken on the fly, often blurry and leaving more of an emotional impression of the moment than a clear depiction of what was happening. The choice to repurpose these throwaway photos of blurry streets, delis, and fireworks comes from both the banality of "bad phone camera photos" as well as the high cost of living in NYC and being able to capture those images. Most of the photos were overlayed in some way, most with visual repetition of the same image, with particular segments rendered confusingly. I tried to pull some of the "dizziness" I felt looking at the spiral into the collages. The text, "Night out...on the town!", references the cliched glitziness that Nauman's work expresses. I furthered the connection by trying to echo some of his color choices in the layers of text.

The parts of the experience of Nauman's work that I aimed to capture most were the vivid, glowing color contrast, the cliched phrases, and the glitzy expense juxtaposed with the common. 

*Used Photoshop CS6 for editing/placement.

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