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One thing I regretted about using Maya for was that I did not have the time to set up the fireworks animation that I wanted to really express my excitement at discovering some interesting new nuance to the piece.  Firework animations are time-consuming and require a lot of particle and gravity effects, and I just didn't have enough time.  Then there was the glass texturing.  With more time I could create a more life-like glass texture, but because of time constraints the warped light effects that I wanted to display could not occur because I used glass presets.  I already knew Maya was time-consuming, but next time I should probably give more thought on rendering the work, because the animation refuses to render all of its frames, and it is quite frustrating.  I think I rather got some of my experience expressed well, but I really do wish I had more time to really express all of the feelings I had while viewing this piece. 

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