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With these images and my idea in mind, I set out to grab one of the more 'hard-hitting' images+captions from one of HONY's recent stories, and a vile cartoon from Allen West's page along with the comments. However, I didn't know what exactly I wanted to do with them. I liked how Brandon (owner of HONY) separated the quote from his subjects, from the photo of the subjects themselves so I knew I didn't want to include the quote in the picture itself, although I knew I needed it for context for the audience. I also wanted the cartoon to draw in the eye more so I wanted that centered. Then I realized I could use multiple of the same HONY picture to be the background of the cartoon, so the audience would realize this is exactly who the cartoon is speaking about. And because it comes from a Republican leader's page, I changed the colors of the HONY picture to red, white, and blue.

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