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The outcome is to draw attention to the amount of deaths in a very comedic family-oriented movie. This relates to many other important depictions that movies do not take very seriously, such as the physical appearance of the Disney princesses. The work done by street artists in "Exit Through the Gift Shop" obviously inspired this project, but I only connected with the idea of bringing a problem to light, as I am out of touch with current events. While Banksy typically draws attention to hypocrisy in current events, I went for pop culture. I followed Buzzfeed's take on Disney princesses with realistic proportions, and aimed to point of the death aspect of Minions that was really turned into comic relief. While watching the Minion movie, people were probably laughing when the vampire died from the sunlight and when the T-rex fell down into the lava; by the time the Yeti died, people were probably thinking "Oh no, not again," but without any strong emotions because after all, all of the bosses died before. While I realize Minions is aimed towards children, and those deaths were not meant to be serious, we should think about how we portray death in movies.

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