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I spent a lot of time brainstorming for ideas for this exercise. I considered doing something related to Japanese culture because that consists of a majority of my life. Japanese pop culture, however, is so eccentric and peculiar. They take something popular, exaggerate it, and integrate it into their already crazy pop culture. They have anime, manga, games, etc for whatever fetish someone has. I couldn't think of a good way to satirize a specific image when it can already be interpreted as a satire. I considered current events, e.g. the pope tour, but decided against it because I'm not very caught up with recent events. In the end, I watched the Minions movie Friday night and noticed that when the bosses (T-rex, caveman, pharaoh, vampire, Napoleon, etc) were killed in some way by the Minions, it was done comedically. The only emotion the Minions seemed to feel was disappointment because now they had to find a new master. I decided to create an image that more or less accurately reflected the Minions kill count.

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