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I started this project off very confused and unsure of what I was going to do. The idea of using Disney screen caps and editing them to say something maybe a little political was at the forefront my mind, especially after watching Exit From the Giftshop and thinking of Dismaland by Banksy. However, I was very lost in trying to figure out exactly what I wanted to say and what screen caps to do. Then I thought well maybe I should take famous works of art and turn them into like stylized works with inspirational quotes that people use for cover photos on facebook/twitter/tumblr. Then I thought about turning famous pieces of works into PopArt and thought that was more appealing and would ultimately be better than turning fine art into inspirational style quotes. 

The design choices I made were to get rid of the background that was behind the Mona Lisa, to give each portrait slightly different makeup, and to choose the color palette for each portrait. One of the first and main challenges was getting rid of the background which involves creating another layer, whiting over the background, merging the layers, and then deleting and white space in the photo. Another challenge was deciding the colors for the makeup and the style. I don't know very much about makeup but I wanted each portrait to be different besides the fact that they were different colors, so I attempted four different makeup designs but not all of them were good ideas. 

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