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Through this project, I became more familiar with PaintTool SAI and the qualities of brightness/contrast and hue/saturation. I also began dabbling in color theory as I attempted to create various moods through usage of distinct colors. Overall, I realized that photo manipulation is not as "cheap" as others may believe it is; the intricacies required to really master the usage of Photoshop tools and to know when to apply them is no trivial matter. Additionally, just as Andy Warhol's work demonstrates, the choice of color palette is also another profound design decision than an individual can make in regards to one's art; if not selected deliberately, the effect is unlikely to be successful.   
If I were to repeat this project, I would attempt to change the values of various more elements of the painting, which would force me to experiment with more colors to create an image with greater depth and complexity. I would also do additional research on distinct color palettes and refine my final image by adjusting the edges between contrasting colors. 

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