Originally we started off with two project ideas. One was a depth perception illusion involving a revolving ballerina; we wanted to make her appearance obscured from far away, and play low classical sounding music. As the project begins to close up on the ballerina, her appearance would be revealed to be flawed, as well as the music which would become louder and choppier the closer we got to the ballerina. We had some problems deciding how the ballerina should be flawed and how to animate a ballerina spinning.
Our second idea was to utilize the color perception illusion; we would take a image that intentionally distorts the audience's color perception so each individual may see a different color (the most recent example of this is the dress picture). Each of us would then take the color we see from the image and interpret the emotion it evoked in us (for example, one of our group described midnight blue as ominous while another thought it was calming). The emotion would be translated to sound and we would play the varying sound over the image. Eventually, we don't this project was simultaneously too simple and too high concept for a casual viewer to interpret.
In the end, we settled upon a variation of our first idea, where we would depth perception/size perception illusion, where we would make two subjects look a similar size while in reality one was much larger than the other.
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