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and googled the relevant movies. If it did not work out, I tried another one and finally I got what I wanted. I used iMovie to edit the movie. Then I also edited a little bit about the audio part.

After seeing comments of my video, I realized my video is not as good as I though, so I edited again and wanted it make more sense. I deleted the later part of running man, which might be funny but nonsense. Then, I mixed the part of fighting of Verdimot and Trinity, made them more look like fighting each other. Also, I chose another part of Harry Potter. I think that is gonna look much better. However, I still think the explosion part kind of related to the fighting itself. Therefore, I kept it as it was originally was.

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My downloaded movies from youtube:

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For this time, my basic intention is just to make a funny video with couple of different clips from different movies. My big idea is to have different part from different stories to make some integrate story that make sense. I really wanna test if people consider something as a whole story in the context, regardless characters and backgrounds, or more based on the surroundings, settings, faces of characters.


My intention was inspired by funny remade videos from youtube. I watch them a lot and think them are super funny. However, those videos usually take sense from the same movie. So I got some ideas from the videos we saw on the class as well. I find out that scenes from different movies are impressive and kind of providing some information that is not in the previous videos. 


My product is a video remix. I took couple of scenes from several different movies and made it as a whole story. First I came up with several usual scenes in movies and tried to construct a story based on those imaginary sense. Then I got one story. The hardest part is to download videos I want. Every time I came up with some scenes in my mind, I just could not find the right movie. In addition, to make something make sense is also hard. Because clips are from different movies, the connection must be stronger than usual movies to make people accept them as a whole story. My design decision is to make the movie motion-directed. When people see connected motions, it will be easier for them to construct those scenes as a story in their minds.


Generally speaking, I really like my project because it almost reaches my expectation. The first transition is very fluent, when people looking up and Trinity jumping down. Also, the last part is super funny when the anime boy turns into an athlete. The part I am not satisfied with is that the connection between Harry Potter and Matrix is not strong enough. What I wanted to make is some effect that seems like Vordemott is fighting Neo. However, the angle is not quite right. If I can make the project again, I would spend more time choosing some scene that some wizard is pointing down and fighting downwards. From this project, I learned that context is quite important to the story. As long as the content itself makes sense enough, characters, background story and other things are just helping storying to be more interesting.We can find movie with different cuts very impressive and attractive as the example presented on the class, while we can also find those extremely boring official movies. In the future, I will put most of efforts into the content itself.


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