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I made a story where Pikachu has to lose weight in order to beat his opponent, Mega Lucario. Pikachu and Ash go running throughout the city, and come back to beat Mega Lucario. I made this video by mashing together several videos, notably the Pikachu vs. Mega Lucario battle from the XY generation and the running scenes from the Latias and Latios Pokemon movie. 

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After downloading the videos from Youtube using Videograbby I used Premier Pro to cut the video clips apart and put them together. I also used it to make my subtitles (the pink bars). 

My Video:

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My inspiration for this was the running sequence from the Latias and Latios movie. I remember as a kid when I watched it in the movie theatre I was very impressed with how it looked 3D and how it seems like it's from Pikachu's point of view.  I wanted to use those clips, so I built a story around it. 

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Pikachu is said to have lost a lot of weight throughout the series, as you can see above. As it's a well known fact among fans, I decided to use it in my video.

My goal with this video was for it to be a fun way to reminisce about Pokemon, which I loved as a child, as well as make a point about how subtitles can be completely wrong. As a bilingual, I often see subtitles that are completely wrong or at least misguiding, and viewers just accept them because they "look" and "sound" right. I wanted to show how easy it was to completely change the story.


This is a remix, which is often seen on the internet. Just searching "remixed video" on Youtube yields the following results: 

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My video also uses incorrect subtitles, which in other works is often not a conscious choice but rather just a product of bad translators. Many of these "fansubbed" videos can be found on the Internet, especially for things like anime and foreign TV shows.

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Finally, my video can be considered a fan made video, or a "Fanvid". Many hardcore fans take material from their fandom to make videos that tell a story that they want or to highlight a specific part of the show. Compared to how many fanvids are showcasing a relationship or a love for a particular character, mine just tells an alternative story. 


First I went on Youtube to look for the videos I wanted. I knew I wanted to use the Latias and Latios running scene so that was the first video I looked for.

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Next in order to make it my own story, I came to the conclusion that adding subtitles to an original Japanese video would be easier than finding clips of characters saying what I wanted them to say, so I looked for an episode in Japanese, which I found below.

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Next I went on Videograbby to download the videos.

I then moved them into Premier, where I spent a lot of time using the Razor tool and moving clips to fit together.

After I got the running scenes, I thought of my plot, and went back on Youtube to search for videos that would fit, like the one of Pikachu eating.

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Once I got the video right, I added subtitles, which I also figured out how to do on Premier. I tried a lot of different fonts before settling on Arial 20pt.


Overall, I'm happy with my outcome, because it makes me chuckle a little, which is what I was going for. The incorrect subtitles telling the story I want them to tell is also a touch that I like. It shows how easy it is to have subtitles that go with the video but are entirely different from what the original script. 

Although some parts may jump around, I actually like that kind of disorienting fast-paced video, so I don't mind. However, I can see that I could still improve some transitions to make it appeal to a broader audience. Other than that, if I had time I would have made a longer video to flesh out the plot more. It would be have been fun to make a episode-length video, but I'm not confident I would have been able to make it hold the viewer's attention. 

By doing this project I learned about how to use Premier more, and also how to put subtitles on a video. I've subtitled gifs before but not videos, so I'm glad that I know how to now. 

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