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Chaoya Li         Hao Wang


The google street view contain a huge amount of 3D real world image. We are seeking an approach to utilize these data, and provide people a new view to explore the world.

So we use exercise bike as an input. When user is riding an exercise bike in gym or home, he/she can explore the world in a fantastic view using the Oculus and the service from our server which can dynamically generate google street view.

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In the first edition demo, we directly request the google street view image from google server. The image will be displayed in Oculus.

As for the exercise bike input part, we use key board to simulate the speed input and direction input. By pressing button, the speed of street image will change accordingly, the direction of street view will also change accordingly.

The street view experience in the oculus is kind of cool. People can explore one street in downtown Pittsburgh.

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We still need some technologies like:

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Strong web server is needed. Using server, the image requesting process can be pre-processed, which can improve the fluency of the animation.

The street view rendering can create panoramic image. Using this technology, this project would be more immersive.

So we need  to seek more way to improve the user experience of our google street view system.

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